-Carlo Carcasci-

Associate Professor in Energy and Environmental Systems

Santa Marta - DIEF - Room 219


Carlo Carcasci has a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1993 and a Ph.D. in Enery Engineering from the University of Florence.


For many years, his main area of research was experimental and modelling of cooling systems of gas turbine (GT) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). Carlo Carcasci simulated of complex power plants could be applied for the thermodynamic, design, off design and thermo economic optimization of, particularly, gas turbine (GT), Heat Recovery steam generator (HRSG), Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) and cogeneration systems (Combined Heat and Power: CHP).

Now, Carlo Carcasci simulates natural gas grids with pure methane or with hydrogen injection (blending).

Moreover, Carlo Carcasci's main area of research is the simulation of multi-vector energy scenario. Particularly, he studies Renewable Energy Communities (REC), hydrogen scenario applied to hard-to-abate companies and sector coupling.

  1. Gas Turbine simulation
  2. Combined Cycle Gas Turbine simulation
  3. ORC power plant simulation
  4. Natural gas grid simulation
  5. Renewable Energy Communities (REC)
  6. Hydrogen scenario applied to hard-to-abate companies
  7. Analysis of Agri-Photovoltaic systems


-Marco Zini

Research fellow

Santa Marta - DIEF - Room 213

Curriculum vitae: 


Marco Zini has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's degree in Energy Engineering from the University of Florence. He completed his PhD and is currently a research fellow at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Florence. His main area of research is energy monitoring using machine learning techniques.


Building Energy Monitoring

Building energy modelling

Odorant rate prediction in gas networks


-Gabriele Guzzo

PhD student

Santa Marta - DIEF - Room 213


Gabriele Guzzo received the M. Eng. degree in Energy Engineering with high distinction from the University of Florence, Italy, in 2020. He is currently working toward a joint Ph.D. degree with the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Florence and the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Pisa. During his PhD, he spent 7 months as a visiting PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include fluid-dynamic modelling of gas networks, with a particular emphasis on investigating the transport of hydrogen and natural gas mixtures.


Gas Network Modelling

Gas Pipeline Simulation and Optimization

Hydrogen Transportation and Distribution


-Mattia Pasqui


Ph.D. student and Renewable Energy Community president

Santa Marta - DIEF - Room 213


Mattia Pasqui holds a Bachelor's degree in Economic Statistics and a Master's degree in Energy Engineering, both from the University of Florence, Italy.

He is a  Ph.D. student at the University of Florence, where his research revolves around battery management systems in Renewable Energy Communities. At the moment he is in Lausanne developing and testing strategies for scheduling and control of a community battery, which aims to provide collective-self-consumption, energy arbitrage, dispatching and balancing services.

In the meantime he is the co-founder and president of a Renewable Energy Community.


Renewable Energy Communities simulation

Battery energy storage system management

Scenario based scheduling and control

Load, production and energy markets forecast

Optimal Power Flow (grid modeling)

Energy balances and economic feasibility assessment


-Andrea Ademollo